[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.]
Le FMI et l’or des Algériens Belhaouari Benkheda describes the IMF’s courtship of Algerian gold.
Will Algeria's army be the dark horse in the next election? Erin Cunningham discusses speculations that the Algerian army may make moves in the next election amidst concerns over Bouteflika’s health.
Activists Barred From World Social Forum Human Rights Watch condemns the arbitrary detainment of 96 Algerian human rights activists at the Tunisian border.
Britons in aid convoy kidnapped and sexually assaulted in Libya Alexandra Topping and Chris Stephen report on the kidnapping and sexual assault of three British aid workers traveling through Libya to Gaza.
Why I resigned – interview with Hassan Al-Amin Mohamed Eljarh interviews Libya’s former Congressman and chairman of the Human Rights and Civil Society committee, Hassan Al-Amin, about his resignation due to credible death threats.
Libya: Two Years Later Jason Pack and Mustafa Abushagur (Former Libyan Deputy Prime Minister) analyze the Libyan economic and political landscape two years after the revolution.
Libyan Women Rally Against Violence Essam Mohamed describes protests focused on violence against women in the wake of the rape of a young woman who was hospitalized and clinically dead.
Nouakchott : Sebkha «en état de siège», des jeunes crient à la désobéissance civile Mamoudou Lamine Kane describes the situation in Sebhkha, where citizens are calling for civil disobedience in the face of repressive actions by the National Guard.
Première dissidence des haratines au sein de l'armée mauritanienne Blogger Chezvlane chronicles frustrations over the lack of representation of and discrimination against Hratins in the Mauritanian army.
25 فبراير تنظم وقفة احتجاجية على انقطاع الكهرباء Nouadibo reports on the February 25 movement’s recent protests against repeated electricity interruptions in the capital city.
ولد عبدالعزيز يفاوض عراقيا في صفقة مثيرة ( تسجيل صوتي) Essirage releases transcripts and audio recordings of President Abdelaziz’s conversations with an unnamed Iraqi regarding alleged money laundering.
Being a poor woman in Morocco: The intersectionality of oppression Maghreb page editor Samia Errazzouki highlights the myriad constraints and oppressions faced by Morocco’s poor women.
Monarchie et opposition: une guerre sans merci Excerpts from Mohamed Kably’s forthcoming book on Moroccan history and power formation.
L7a9ed est libre After more than a year in prison, Moroccan rapper Mouad L7a9ed Belghouat is free from prison.
Analyse de La Lettre d’intention de la Tunisie envers le FMI : Dernière étape avant la colonisation Med Aziz Ben Mustapha analyzes the IMF’s projects in Tunisia, drawing a comparison to colonization.
FSM : La caravane des sans-papiers refoulée à son arrivée à Tunis Sana Sbouai describes Tunisia’s repression of 51 undocumented European activists arriving for the World Social Forum.
Les poulets sont des chiens Blogger Zaballah reports on the arrest of Tunisian rapper Weld el 15 and criticizes measures that purport to curb “symbolic violence.”
Topless Tunisian Femen Protester Amina Tyler 'Is Home & Well', Says Lawyer Bouchra Bel Haj Hmida Sara C Nelson chronicles the events surrounding feminist activist Amina Tyler of Femen Tunisia after she received death threats due to her activism.
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb
الأطر النظرية لفهم النماذج التنموية في مراحل ما بعد الثورات Amr Adly offers frameworks for analysis of the ‘Arab Spring’ revolutions in North Africa.
Social Struggles in Tunisia: A Curse or a Revolutionary Opportunity? Héla Yousfi highlights the continued potential for social revolution in Tunisia.
Ennahda: A Party in Transition Fabio Merone and Francesco Cavatorta describe the changing contours of Tunisia’s Ennhada party.
Human Rights Organizations Continue Efforts to Aid Families of the Disappeared in Algeria Jadaliyya reports on NGO Alkaram’s efforts to establish accountability measures for forced disappearances.
Violence, Vulnerability, and Migration: Trapped at the Gates of Europe Doctors Without Borders reports on the medical and psychological ramifications of Morocco’s institutionalized violence against Sub-saharan migrants in the country.
Self-Immolations Continue in Tunisia Afef Abrougui highlights the shocking number of self-immolations in Tunisia in past years, with 9 already in 2013.
الخوف والغضب: المرأة وعنف ما بعد الثورة Deniz Kandiyoti describes the persistent problem of patriarchy and violence against women, despite the semblance of improvement in the wake of the 2011 uprisings.