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DARS Media Roundup


[This is a bi-weekly roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Resistance and Subversion in the Arab world, and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the DARS Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each bi-weekly roundup to DARS@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every second week.]

News & Commentary

Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start? by Ben Ehrenreich

Gaza fishermen protest as Israel breaks pledge to stop attacks, by Joe Catron

Revolutionary Art Rises from Downtown Cairo Streets, by Marie-Jeanne Berger

Can Palestinian non-violent resistance make it into Israel’s education system?, by Mairav Zonszein

Egypt’s rebels without a pause, by Khaled Diab

How Syrian Women Are Fueling the Resistance, by Fotini Christia

Arab Revolutions Have Made Women Worse Off, by Moha Ennaji

One young Tunisian asks what’s really changed since revolution, by Akrem Kaabi

Tunisia’s Post-Revolution Blues, by Aaron Y. Zelin

Egypt’s rebels without a pause, by Khaled Diab

Debate flares on the revolutionary role of Facebook and Twitter, by Rob Lever

Syria: When Nonviolent revolutions Spread into Bloodshed, by Janine di Giovanni

End the Arab Boycott of Israel, by Ed Husain

Egypt: From Uprising to Revolution? by Andrea Teti

The Art of Palestinian Resistance, Khaled Diab

Decades of Oppression Foment Bahrain Revolution, by Shahira Salloum

Listen to the Women, Morsi, by Wafaa Wali

Nonviolent Resistance Key to Middle East Breakthrough, by Ibrahim Sharqieh


Canadian students challenge Harper’s support of Israeli apartheid. The newly formed Canadian Student Coalition for Palestine is an alliance of on-campus Palestine solidarity groups in Canada aiming to build on the recent boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaigns.

Yemeni youth tackle terror with non-violent campaign. Since last December, a group of young Yemenis has been waging a campaign in schools against terrorism through an organisation called Youth Creativity.


The Writing on the Wall: Graffiti, Poetry, and Protest in Egypt by Andy Young

Fishermen in Gaza by Nidal El-Khairy

The Art of Palestinian Resistance, by Khaled Diab

A Third Perspective: Stronghold Sound’s New Hip Hop Album, Khat Thalet, Reviewed, by Lina Shaikhouni

Semaine du 2ème anniversaire du debut de la révolution syrienne, by SouriaHouria

Conferences & Events

Israeli Apartheid Week, February-March 2013, Worldwide

Syria’s Art of Resistance (Exhibition and Symposium), 21 March 2013, Centre for Culture and Development CKU, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Arab World: From Revolution to Transformation, 21 March 2013, Harvard Arab Alumni Association, Residence Hotel, Tunis, Tunisia

The Arab Spring and the Gulf: Politics, economics and security, 25-26 March 2013, LSE, London, United Kingdom

Arab Spring, the Middle East and Turkey, 18 May 2013, Exeter University, Exeter, United Kingdom

Confinement, Resistance, Freedom, 8-10 May 2013, Ege University, Ismir, Turkey

Radical Gestures: designing protest, resistance and refusal, 1 June 2013, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design University, London, United Kingdom

Protests as Events/Events as Protests, 12 June 2013, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, United Kingdom

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