Detective Stories from the Holy City? This is one of many themes addressed by the muckraking journal, The Jerusalem Quarterly. Jadaliyya is delighted to announce the launching of essays from the Jerusalem Quarterly (JQ) on its page. For the last fifteen years JQ has been publishing critical works on the history and future of Jerusalem, as well as investigative reporting on the current status of the city. JQ combines some of the best approaches of social science research and investigative journalism on Palestine and the city. Its past writers include John Berger, Edward Sa'id, Rashid Khalidi, Kamal Boullata, Rema Hammami, Roberto Mazza, Ilan Pappe, Nazmi Ju'beh, Helga Tawil-Souri, Bayan Nwaihid, and many others. The editorial team include Alex Baramki, Penny Johnson, Tina Shirwell, Lena Sobeh, Issam Nassar, and Salim Tamari. Jadaliyya will be publishing one essay a month from JQ, and will make available an online version of current issues and the archives for free downloading.
To read the most recent issue of the Jerusalem Quarterly, click here.