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Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (February 2013)


This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Egypt. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide diverse depictions of Egypt-related topics. The pieces reflect the level of critical analysis and diversity that Jadaliyya strives for, but the views are solely the ones of their authors. If you are interested in contributing to Jadaliyya, send us your post with your bio and a release form to post@jadaliyya.com [click “Submissions” on the main page for more information].

NEWTON in Focus: Egypt
Latest texts in NEWTON relevant to the study of Egypt.

Don'ti Mixi: A Song by The Great Departed (Video)
The video of a song by Lebanese band, “The Band of the Great Departed,” inspired by President Morsi’s speech in Germany.

ثقافة السحل
Shaker Alnasseri talks about the spread of torture from the state apparatuses to the streets of Egypt where it is practiced by civilians.

قضاة مصر: قدرة تحرك هائلة في خدمة أي وظيفة قضائية؟
Samer Ghamroun and Nizar Saghieh offer a new perspective on political mobilization of judges in Egypt.

Sexual Violence Against Women and the Increasing Frequency of Gang Rape in Tahrir Square and its Environs
A position paper by the nongovernmental group Nazra for Feminist Studies attempting to contextualize the rise of sexual violence against women in Cairo.

Corruption without Remnants
Wael Gamal criticizes the Muslim Brotherhood for failing to fight corruption of the previous regime.

The Silence of the Law: Khaled Fahmy on Shari'a and the Origins of the Egyptian Legal System (Video)
AUC professor of History, Khaled Fahmy, talks about the application of Sharia and how Egypt’s legal system evolved starting in the 19th century.

اعتقال، تعذيب، اختفاء، الظلم مستمر
A collection of accounts of recent incidents of violence and torture.

"تودّد" أو "الثورة التي لا تؤنّث لا يعوّل عليها"
Abdullah AlBayyari explores concepts of femininity and masculinity in traditional texts and analyzes their appearance in the revolution and attitudes towards its women.

New Texts Out Now: Jeannie Sowers, Environmental Politics in Egypt: Activists, Experts, and the State
An interview with Jeannie Sowers about her new book on environmental politics in Egypt.

Statement on FJP Endorsement of Repressive NGO Law
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies’ official statement criticizing the draft law for nongovernmental organizations.

تنظيم المخلّ بالنظام؟ الباعة المتجولون والدولة التنمويّة
Maha Abdelrahman talks about the dynamics between the state and the street vendors after the revolution.

The Show Trial of Port Said
Seifeldin Fawzy takes a closer look at the Port Said massacre trial and its failure to abide by basic tenants of impartiality and justice. 

Ahram Online Editor Says Brotherhood Drove Him out of Institution
Hani Shakrallah accuses the Muslim Brotherhood for being pushed out of his position as editor-in-chief at Ahram Online.

Clashing with the Ultras: A Firsthand Account
Wael Eskandar offers an account of a protest in which the Ultras and revolutionary protesters faced off over the issue of whether to chant against the government or not.

The Maspero Massacre: Adding Injustice to Insult and Injury
Prison sentences handed down recently to two Copts who participated in the Maspero protest of October 2011 receive almost no media coverage.

تكنولوجيا الاتصالات والتنظيم الثوري في القرن الحادي والعشرين
Hossam El-Hamalawi talks about the organization potential that communications technology has in helping leftist groups restructure.

Open Letter to President Obama
Bahieddin Hassan writes to the American president about the continuing human rights abuses in Egypt and the unresponsive American foreign policy.

المـوجات الثـلاث للثـورة المصرية
Aly Al Raggal writes about the third wave of the Egyptian revolution.

“The awakening of a radical reality”? Reflections on PhotoCairo 5
Yasser Alwan criticizes a recent art exhibition in Cairo which catered to a foreign and English language-educated audience.

Mohamed Morsi Mubarak: The Myth of Egypt's Democratic Transition
Reem Abou-El-Fadl criticizes the performance of the current government, pointing out persisting problems in torture, corruption, poverty, unemployment, and foreign policy.

دروس في تحرير الخيال وتعبئة الحشود الزئبقية
Ismail Alexandrani discusses what lessons the youth has learned from the revolutionary process.

لقاء مع عبد الرحمن منصور الذي جعل من 25 يناير تاريخاً نتذكره
A translation of Linda Herrera’s story about Abd El-Rahman Mansour and his contribution to the Egyptian Revolution.

روايات موسيقية من اسطنبول
Egyptian culture and cultural products have influenced Turkish artists for decades.

الشرطة تكافح الشعب
Mohamed Eleter writes that there are indications that there is a deal between the new regime and the Ministry of Interior.

The Dignity of Hamada Saber
Paul Sedra criticizes the ridicule of Hamada Saber’s forced denial of being beaten by security forces.

Police Brutality Persists Two Years after Egypt Revolution: Rights Activists
Ahram Online’s summary of recent incidents of violence and torture against protesters.

The Thin Line between Revolution And Sedition
Mohamed Elmasry’s response to Adel Iskandar’s article on the train tragedy in Egypt that took the lives of dozens of soldiers.

Morsi Mubarak
Khalil Bendib’s caricature of Mohamed Morsi and Hosni Mubarak.

شاهد عيان
Yassin Gaber writes about the recent incident of police stripping and beating a protester in the street. 

This Is A Mass Sexual Assault . . . We Will Resist (Video)
A video produced by OPANTISH, a new initiative to combat mass sexual harassment, which shows how their task force saves a girl at Tahrir Square.

هل يعود العسكر لحكم مصر من بوابة قناة السويس؟
Ismail Alexandrani looks into who benefits from the violence and unstable situation in the Canal cities.

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