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Egypt Media Roundup (February 18)


 [This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.] 

“Egyptian police publicly beat to death man suspected of killing officer”
Police officers beat to death man who they suspected was involved in the murder of a captain in front of the mourners at his funeral.

“Minor protests across Egypt”
Friday anti-government protests spread across several cities in the Nile Delta, Port Said, Cairo and Alexandria.

“Update: Jama'a al-Islamiya protest draws to close early Friday evening”
Protesters gather near Cairo University to voice their support for the president and the government.

“Children give testimonies on torture, sexual abuse in prison”
More stories surface of children being abused under custody of Egypt’s interior ministry.

“Nepotism not behind Morsi’s son’s government job, says minister”
Minister of Civil Aviation rejects accusations of nepotism in the appointment of the president’s son at the Egypt Airports and Air Navigation Holding Company.

“Egypt government won't resign, says PM Qandil”
Prime Minister Hisham Qandil denies media reports that his government will resign, despite repeated calls from the opposition for a new government.

“New draft protest law approved by Egyptian cabinet”
The law will require organizers of demonstrations to submit a notice to the Ministry of Interior five days prior to the event.

“Egypt’s women of mass destruction”
Khaled Diab comments on PM Hisham Qandil’s recent observations about peasant women and breastfeeding.

“Holier than thou: extremism against Islam”
Musa Furber criticizes recent fatwas of Egyptian sheikhs which have justified sexual assault and attacks on opposition leaders.

“Police strike enters third day”
Police protest against new law which forbids military and police from going on strike.

“Army claims responsibility for killed child”
Army apologizes for the death from a gunshot wound of a child street vendor in downtown Cairo.

“In Cairo”
Ursula Lindsey describes the current scene of violence and incompetent politics in Egypt.

“Where corruption thrives: Public universities in Egypt”
Widespread corruption and harassment of students plagues higher education across Egypt.

“Desacralization of Islamism”
Khalil Al-Anani argues that Islamism is losing credibility and symbolic power in Egypt and across the region.

“Letter to the Egyptian Black Bloc"
Open letter by the US black bloc anarchists to their counterparts in Egypt.

“Sexual Harassment of Women is State Sponsored Say Egyptian Women”
A video report on anti-harassment campaigns in Egypt.

“Brotherhood Militias’ Reportedly Terrorize Tahrir Protesters”
Ahmed Rahim argues that evidence is surfacing of Muslim Brotherhood militias working with the security apparatus.

“Egypt’s Beard Complex”
Youssef Chouhoud talks about the new and various connotations that burden having a beard in Egypt after the revolution.


In Arabic:

“«الطب الشرعى» يتراجع ويؤكد: تقرير «الجندى» لا ينفى تعرضه للتعذيب”
Coroner says some of the injuries on Mohamed El-Gendy’s body could have been from torture.

“ائتلاف أمناء الشرطة يعطي وزير الداخلية فرصة أخيرة لتنفيذ مطالبهم ويهدد بإضراب عام”
A coalition of dissenting police officers gives the Ministry of Interior the last chance to implement their demands.

“تعديلات لتسهيل عودة رجال الأعمال الهاربين"
The justice ministry is preparing legal amendments to accelerate “reconciliation” process for fugitive businessmen.

“«أمن الدولة» تطلب تحريات الداخلية في اتهام «البرادعي وصباحي» بقلب نظام الحكم”
State Security Prosecution reviews a case filed by lawyer Hamid Sadiq against opposition leaders accusing them of planning to overthrow the government.

“مصر بلا إخوان”
Ibrahim El-Hodaiby argues that the opposition’s criticism against the Muslim Brotherhood is often misplaced and they do not offer a viable political alternative to the people.

“إنتقادات لتصريحات أعضاء الشوري الخاصة بتحميل الفتيات مسؤلية التحرش بهن خلال المظاهرات”
A wave of criticism hits the Shoura Council after members of its human rights committee say that a girl who gets raped during demonstrations bears the responsibility for the attack.

“«المصري اليوم» ترصد عملية «أخونة» الدولة فى 8 شهور من حكم مرسي (ملف خاص)”
Al-Masry Al-Youm publishes an extended investigation into increasing appointment of members of the Muslim Brotherhood across state institutions.

“العثور على ناشط عاريًا ومقيّدًا في صحراء «العاشر» وعلى جسده آثار تعذيب”
Police find in the desert near Cairo a missing activist stripped, bound and with signs of torture on his body.

“«الإسعاف»: 5 إصابات أمام «القبة» بعضها بـ«الخرطوش».. و11 حالة بالمحافظات"
Sixteen injured after separate pro- and anti-regime protests across Cairo on Friday.


Recent Jadailyya articles on Egypt:

Ahram Online Editor Says Brotherhood Drove Him out of Institution
Hani Shakrallah accuses the Muslim Brotherhood for being pushed out of his position as editor-in-chief at Ahram Online.

Clashing with the Ultras: A Firsthand Account
Wael Eskandar offers an account of a protest in which the Ultras and revolutionary protesters faced off over the issue of whether to chant against the government or not.

The Maspero Massacre: Adding Injustice to Insult and Injury
Prison sentences handed down recently to two Copts who participated in the Maspero protest of October 2011 receive almost no media coverage.

تكنولوجيا الاتصالات والتنظيم الثوري في القرن الحادي والعشرين
Hossam El-Hamalawi talks about the organization potential that communications technology has in helping leftist groups restructure.

Open Letter to President Obama
Bahieddin Hassan writes to the American president about the continuing human rights abuses in Egypt and the unresponsive American foreign policy.

المـوجات الثـلاث للثـورة المصرية
Aly Al Raggal writes about the third wave of the Egyptian revolution.

“The awakening of a radical reality”? Reflections on PhotoCairo 5
Yasser Alwan criticizes a recent art exhibition in Cairo which catered to a foreign and English-language-educated audience.

Mohamed Morsi Mubarak: The Myth of Egypt's Democratic Transition
Reem Abou-El-Fadl criticizes the performance of the current government, pointing out persisting problems in torture, corruption, poverty, unemployment and foreign policy.

دروس في تحرير الخيال وتعبئة الحشود الزئبقية
Ismail Alexandrani discusses what lessons the youth has learned from the revolutionary process.

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