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Maghreb Media Roundup (February 15)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


How to be different together: Algerian lessons for the Tunisian crisis Hicham Yezza draws parallels between Algeria in 1992 and Tunisia in 2013.

Algeria's oil and gas: not so jolly The Economist takes a look at the Algerian economy.

In Amenas attack magnifies Belmokhtar, AQIM rift Jemal Oumar examines implications of the In Amenas incident as evidence of fracture between jihadist leaders in Sahara.


Libya: Focus on Justice System in Paris Meeting Human Rights Watch urges Libya to focus on building a strong justice system during meeting in Paris.

Bringing Libya’s past into the twenty-first century Tom Wescott reports on workshops focused on Libyan archaeological technology and preservation of artifcats.

Analysis: Libya Security Situation Improving Despite Negative Media Reporting The Tripoli Post claims that Libyan government “working hard” to address security measures despite press that suggests otherwise.


ولد الشافعي : نص المقابلة Media site Essirage interviews Mustapha Born Imam Shafei,  a Mauritanian businessman with intimate knowledge of General Abdel Aziz.

قضية بوعماتو: أسئلة معلقة؟! Ahmed Ben Mohamed Mustapha implicates General Abdel Aziz in tax evasion scandal.

Number of Malian refugees reach 70,000 Between 500 and 600 Malian refugees enter Mauritania every day.

Tullow chasing new play offshore Mauritania Offshore magazine describes oil and gas company Tullow’s plan to expand offshore drilling in Mauritania.


Jaabouq de Hicham Tahir: Un livre surestimé ? Reda Zaireg reviews Zaabouq, by Moroccan author Hicham Tahir

المـغرب: حرب أهلـية في المــدرسة؟Mohamed Benaziz describes the strange case of a village schoolteacher stabbed and then sentenced to three months in prison.bh n hn

تلاميذ الأقسام التحضيرية بسطات في اضراب مفتوح عن الدراسة (Videos) Videos compilation of Moroccan students striking in demand for greater attention to nutritional needs.

Air France sued after pilot ‘insults’ king of Morocco An Air France pilot is sued after passengers take offense to a joke he made about King Mohamed VI.

Il y a 50 ans mourait Abdelkrim El Khattabi, le Che maghrébin Hamadi Aouina compares Moroccan revolutionary leader Abdelkrim El Khattabi to Che Guevara.


[Traduction FR] Tunisie : Loi constitutionnelle n°6-2011 du 16 décembre 2011 (petite Constitution) Riadh Guerfali examines discrepencies between the French and Arabic versions of the Tunisian constitution.

Sheratongate The Economist’s M.R. highlights accusations that Tunisia’s minister of affairs Rafik Abdessalam abused public funds.

Tunisia seeks path to unity and Ennahda vows unity as Tunisia impasse lingers Yasmin Najjar follows political fallout after Belaid assassination.

Tunisie : violences et défi salafiste International Crisis Group underscores danger of militant Salafist groups in Tunisia during period of political turmoil.

Où vont les valeurs dans la Tunisie postrévolutionnaire ? Mohamed Arbi Nsiri laments direction - or lack thereof – of Tunisian postrevolutionary political scene.

Western Sahara

Western Sahara – latest confidence-building meeting concludes in Portugal UNHCR reports on latest meeting of interests in Western Sahara conflict.

“Signing of new EU- Morocco Fisheries agreement that includes occupied Western Sahara will be flagrant violation of international law” says Khaddad Fishing agreements include controversial waters off Western Saharan shore.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Assassination, Resignations, and Reshufflings: Tunisia’s Latest Developments

Assassinat de Chokri Belaid : Onde de choc internationale

If You Are From the North, You Are Guilty: On the Alienation and Abandonment of Internally Displaced Northern Malians

Seule la vérité

Remembering Chokri Belaid

Baki 7our Mansour on Algeria, Mali and social media

HRW Report on Repression and Reform in Morocco and Western Sahara

New Texts Out Now: Natalya Vince, Saintly Grandmothers: Youth Reception and Reinterpretation of the National Past in Contemporary Algeria

Tunisian Opposition Leader, Chokri Belaid, Assassinated

The Very Risky Bet of Hollande in Mali: The Probable Long-Term Disaster

Mohamed Majd

An Update from the Timbuktu Manuscripts Project

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