[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
“The end game for Port Said: Football case reveals new breadth of politics”
A detailed report from Port Said which reveals what goes beyond a football tragedy court case.
“Egypt: More violent, less political”
Sherine Tadros shares her perception of the volatile situation in Egypt after reporting from Suez.
“Arrests continue in Cairo”
More than forty people are arrested after clashes continue in Cairo a forth day.
“Opposition rejects Morsy’s call for dialogue”
The National Salvation Front refuses to join the dialogue for national consensus called for by the president.
“Suez Canal residents defy President Morsi's curfew”
Port Said, Suez and Ismailia residents stay out on the street after imposed curfew time, while shops and cafes remain open.
“President Morsi declares state of emergency in Suez Canal cities”
President imposes state of emergency on Port Said, Ismailia, and Suez and a curfew from 9pm to 6am.
“Political rift widens as Islamists and opposition forces swap accusations”
The opposition blames the presidency for the violence, while the Muslim Brotherhood says thugs are responsible for the clashes.
“Tahrir Square sexual assaults reported during anniversary clashes”
After three days of clashes on Tahrir Square, horror stories surface of gang sexual assaults on women.
“Health Ministry: Dozens killed, 1,139 injured in nationwide violence”
Port Said leads by the number of deaths after three days of violence across the country.
“Seven killed Sunday in Port Said mass funeral clashes”
Funeral for victims of the Saturday clashes in Port Said is attacked with gunfire.
“Port Said descends into chaos”
After death sentence verdict for twenty-one residents of Port Said in the football tragedy case, their families attack the prison to try to free them.
“21 Port Said football violence defendants sentenced to death”
Cairo court sentences twenty-one out of seventy-five defendants to death; none of the sentenced are police officers.
“Morsy addresses nation on Twitter”
After a day of silence on the second anniversary of the revolution, the president posts on Twitter his condolences to the families of those who died in the clashes between protesters and police.
“Live Updates: Protests, clashes all over the country on revolution's anniversary”
Big demonstrations in Egypt’s major cities mark the second anniversary of the January 25 Revolution.
“Morsi says ‘counter-revolution’ is obstructing Egypt's development”
In his speech marking the Prophet’s birthday, the president denounces forces of the former regime who are sabotaging efforts to pull the country out of the current crisis.
“Brotherhood: We will not be in Tahrir on revolution anniversary”
The Brothers instead will engage in community work.
“Ultras Ahlway’s first day of rage”
Al-Ahly’s Ultras stage a demonstration in Cairo ahead of court decision on Port Said football tragedy case.
“Brotherhood sec-general says Egypt's 'undemocratic' opposition losing street”
Mahmoud Hussein, secretary-general of the Muslim Brotherhood, addresses a variety of topics including the constitution, political opposition, relationship between the Brotherhood and the presidency, etc.
“University students withdraw from Popular Current”
Students leave the Popular Current after leaders refuse to listen to their demands.
“Egypt Two Years On”
Ibrahim Al-Amin says that the ongoing struggle between political groups in Egypt demonstrates that no one force has established a good enough grip on the country to last as long as Hosni Mubarak.
“The Second Anniversary of Tahrir Square Rising”
Richard Falk says that there is hope that the opposition and the government in Egypt will reach a compromise.
“The once and future Egypt”
Omar Kamel talks about how the revolution developed for the past two years and how recently the composition of protest movements has changed.
“Morsy: Elections to take place sometime in three, four months”
The president announces that the elections have been postponed for a few months.
“Emerging Political Alliances on the Second Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution”
Sinem Adar reflects on how the configuration of alliances between the main players on the political scene in Egypt have changed.
“Alber Saber: Brotherhood will drive the people to secularism”
Atheist blogger who was convicted for contempt of religion says he did not want to leave Egypt.
“Rights group: Morsy files record number of defamation charges”
The presidency files twenty-four defamation lawsuits for the first seven months of its term.
“FJP predicts winning 55% of parliamentary seats in next elections”
Despite expected stiff competition at the upcoming elections, the Muslim Brotherhood’s party hopes to take majority of seats in the parliament.
“Former interior minister returns LE1 million he took in gifts”
Habib El-Adly returns one-million-worth of gifts he received from Al-Ahram newspaper.
In Arabic:
“النائب العام يأمر بضبط وإحضار أعضاء «بلاك بلوك» ومن ينضم إليها”
The Prosecutor General orders the arrest of members of the Black Bloc.
“لماذا يقتل «مرسى» المصريين..؟!”
Alaa Al-Aswany writes that Islamists don’t see the election of Mohamed Morsi a democratic process, but rather victory over the “enemies of Islam.”
“«أبو الفتوح»: على المعارضة أن تتطهر من النظام القديم.. و«الإخوان» عبء على مرسي”
Abd El-Moneim Abou El-Fotouh calls on the Suez cities to respect the curfew imposed by the president.
“بعد حضوره الحوار مع الرئيس.. أيمن نور: المطلب الوحيد الذى لم يتم التعقيب عليه هو تشكيل حكومة إنقاذ وطنى”
After attending the national dialogue initiative of the president, Ayman Nour that there was no discussion of a new government of national salvation.
“«الشرعية للحقوق والإصلاح» تشكل «جبهة إسلامية» لمواجهة العنف”
The Organization for Rights and Reform meet to form an Islamic Front to tackle the ongoing violence.
“قرار جمهوري باعتبار ضحايا مذبحة بورسعيد من شهداء الثورة”
President Mohamed Morsi issues a state decree to include the victims of the Port Said football incident in the list of revolutionary martyrs, giving them their families the right to financial compensation.
“"إرشاد الإخوان" يقرر عدم التظاهر بالتحرير فى 25 يناير”
The Muslim Brotherhood decides not to participate on Tahrir Square in the demonstrations commemorating the second anniversary of the revolution.
“مستشار الرئيس: ابتعدنا عن «الإخوان» لاعتراضنا على نهج «الاستحواذ»”
Leader of Salafi Al-Nour Party says meeting with the National Salvation Front was not in connection with the elections.
“النيابة تقرر ضبط وإحضار الضابط المتهم بقتل ضحية شبرا الخيمة”
The prosecution arrests the police officer responsible for killing a resident of Shobra El-Kheima, which resulted in violent protests and more deaths last week.
“«الإخوان»: القوى السياسية رفضت التحالف معنا فى الانتخابات.. ولن نستجدى أحداً”
The Muslim Brotherhood says that they won’t form a coalition with any other party for the elections after negotiations with Ghad Al-Thawra, Al-Wasat, and Al-Hadara Parties fail.
“«برهامي»: التحالف مع «الإخوان» مستحيل.. و«كوتة المرأة» مخالفة للشرع والدستور”
Salafi leader says Al-Nour Party will not form a collation with the Freedom and Justice Party for the elections.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt:
Another Year of Rage
The violence between protesters and security forces since the revolution is not a vendetta battle, but a war between the Egyptians and the state.
A Nation Derailed
Adel Iskandar writes about the significance of the train crash tragedy that happened just eleven days before the second anniversary of the revolution.
The Gendered Body Public: Egypt, Sexual Violence and Revolution
Maya Mikdashi warns of de-gendering the Arab uprisings and ignoring the violence that women face in them.
The Meaning of Revolution: On Samira Ibrahim
Sherene Seikaly tells the story of Samira Ibrahim, a victim of forced virginity tests performed by the army, who fought back defying state and societal pressure.
حالة الإسلاميين في مصر بعد عامين على الثورة
Khalil Al-Anani analyzes the effect of the past two years since the revolution on the Islamists in Egypt.
The Revolution Will Not Be Celebrated
To commemorate the second anniversary of the January 25 Revolution, Jadaliyya presents a number of important pieces that put the past two years in context.
Was There A January 25 Revolution?
Joel Beinin argues that the popular uprising in Egypt of 2011 was outmaneuvered by the army and the Muslim Brotherhood and therefore, a revolution has not yet occurred.
Brothers and Officers: A History of Pacts
Wael Eskandar traces the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood the pre-January 25 state and army.
Meet AbdelRahman Mansour Who Made 25 January A Date to Remember
Linda Herrera tells the story of AbdelRahman Mansour, the co-admin of the We Are All Khalid Said page and the person to choose January 25 as a day for mass anti-Mubarak protest.
التحرير لامركزية الميدان
Mahmoud Salah talks about the significance of the square in bringing together Egyptians.
The Dramaturgy of A Street Corner
Mona Abaza writes about the evolution of street art covering the walls of Mohamed Mahmoud Street.
The Revolution and History
Paul Sedra argues that the January 25 Revolution has made it necessarily to revisit Egyptian history and review with reference to Egypt’s new reality.
مستقبل السلفيين السياسي ماذا بعد الشريعة؟
Islam Mohamed Abdel-Bari gives Pakistan as example of the trajectory of declining popularity of Political Islam and discusses whether this situation would repeat as well in Egypt.
Alexandria Re-Imagined: The Revolution through Art
Amro Ali explores flourishing street art in Alexandria and talks to local artists.
عــامـــان عـلــى 25 يـنــايــــر فــي مصــــر مـكـــــامــــــن الــقــصــــــور فـــي الــثـــــــورة
Reflecting back on the revolution, Aly El Raggal says that it did not manage to change power relations on the lower levels of the power hierarchy.
"Tahrir," My Revolution
Samar Media’s series of videos with Egyptians who share their thoughts on the revolution and what it meant to them.
New Texts Out Now: Paolo Gerbaudo, Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism
An interview with Paolo Gerbaudo about his new book, coupled with some exclusive excerpts.
The Human Rights Situation in Egypt: An Interview with Aida Seif El-Dawla
An interview with Aida Seif El-Dawla, Executive Director of the al-Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence from the end of 2011.
“I Have The Picture!” Egypt’s Photographic Heritage between Neoliberalism and Digital Reproduction (Part II)
The second part of Lucie Ryzova’s essay on Egypt’s photographic heritage, the challenges in preserving it, and the main actors interested in it.
QIZ: Egyptian Jeans Under the Patronage of the Muslim Brotherhood
A translation of Wael Gamal’s piece on the QIZ agreement between Egypt, Israel, and the US.