[The following is a roundup of the latest news and analyses from the publishing world that relates to pedagogy and knowledge production. It was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For more updates, follow Tadween Publishing on Facebook and Twitter.]
Penguin Random House merger begins a new chapter for publishing By Stephen Page (The Guardian)
Stephen Page puts a positive spin on the Penguin Random House merger, advocating that it will bring a big, bold new change for the publishing world.
Don't Burn Your Books—Print Is Here to Stay By Nicholas Carr (Wall Street Journal)
Despite the popularity of eBooks and portable eReaders, Nicholas Carr argues that the death of print publications is not yet on the horizon.
New Year's Resolutions for the Book Publishing Industry By Jeremy Greenfield (Forbes)
With new technologies abound in 2013, authors should be taking advantage of what the eBook industry has to offer, argues Jeremy Greenfield.
Barnes & Noble Faces Steep Challenge as Holiday Nook Sales Decline By Leslie Kaufman (The New York Times)
After throwing so much weight behind their eReader Nook, Barnes & Noble faces challenges in 2013 after having suffered a decline in holiday sales.